About Us

About Us

Wax wing Holidays Pvt. Ltd. Serving to Hajj and Umrah clients with its unit called Hajj -Umra.com Agency has been in business since May 2009 dealing in Travel, Hajj & Umrah arrangements.

The Company provides the most "Professional Services", catering all categories of Sharia-compliant investments including studying, analysis and management to realize a quantum leap in both local and international markets, and promote a strong operational performance that ensure a balanced growth in assets and profitability through an integrated system of Hajj & Umrah services.


Provide the best ways to achieve the expansion and proliferation locally and worldwide and to serve visitors to the house of God.

Our Slogan:

Meet Expectations… Given Care …. Be unique….

Our Mission:

Planning with Professional performance and management.

Our goals:

  • Working in teamwork manner.
  • Our customer is the Focus Point of our attention and delivering good service is our duty.
  • Continuous leadership in serving the visitors of Mecca.
  • Attract the best experience and deal with new opportunities in innovative ways and distinct.

Contact Us

: 43, 3rd Floor Bharat Nagar, New Friends Colony, New Delhi - 110025

: 91 - 11-41026700,      : + 91 9810707282, 9873894993
: info@haj-umrah.com
: www.haj-umrah.com

About Us

We are a travel agency in New Delhi by the name of haj-umra.com that provide Hajj and Umrah tour packages to our clients. We can make the necessary arrangements, insha-Allah.  More